I like Art…

Welcome to the theatre of my imagination, I am glad you are here.

My question: Is this life or is this art?

I consume drawing in copious amounts. Every single day, for a few hours of each day. I choose to entertain my compulsive whims by shoving ink to paper and contemplating life.

If you like to look at ART and read random thoughts spilling out from a quirky art nerd then you are here!

Let me ramble a bit and post cool art. I like to share by nature but prefer to be behind the screen in a cozy introverted zone. Please excuse the lack of me in your face but we get enough of that from other people.

I can’t make any promises as to how often words will land in your inbox as I tend to float inside the wind…….if you stick around , I will entertain you one way or another

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Subscribe because you like interesting random words and art. Subscribe because you want to learn more about me. Subscribe because you have a desire to support my work. Subscribe to get full access to the currently unmonitored rag, subscribe because some words are to be better spoken behind closed doors.

Subscribe to connect to the quirky side of me.

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Dear Diary….
